The LAMBDA project aims to improve the CMEMS MFCs thermohaline circulation in coastal areas by a better characterisation of the land-marine boundary conditions, with special regard to the salinity fields, through exploring the capacities of watershed numerical modelling and its coupling to mesoscale regional ocean models. New Earth Observation sea surface salinity products and experts groups will evaluate the project products impact on ocean salinity fields.
Currently hydrological models are not generally coupled to coastal and regional ocean models because, even if regarded as a powerful and useful tool, they do not fully accomplish to estimate accurately the right volume of water reaching the coastal zone for many reasons including water management activities such as human consumption, irrigation, etc. For this reason, many coastal and ocean models continue to use river climatologies as boundary conditions for representing such an active boundary. Furthermore, continuous salinity observations in the coastal area are scarce and sensors are highly unreliable while current Earth Observation (EO) products for salinity poorly represents the coastal gradients.
The LAMBDA project will:
Objectives: The MOHID Land model estimates river outflows including the associated water properties such as temperature, oxygen, sediments and nutrient concentrations.
Objectives: Activity 2 focus on designing and implementing a prototype software system which allows to receive, store, validate and publish observed and modelled time series data related with river discharges (flow and properties)
Objectives: This activity will implement the LAMBDA river flows scenarios in the PCOMS and CMEMS MFCs with the calendar described below. Each task will be followed by a report with guidance for implementation in CMEMS MFCs regional models
Objectives: The main objective of this activity is to develop specific regional products for CMEMS IBI and NWS regions. A key issue in the development of SMOS processor is the definition of filtering criteria that if settled too restrictively can remove salinity gradients
Objectives: The LAMBDA consortium counts with a set of local and regional experts that will aid to complete the CMEMS MFCs results and SMOS-BEC product verification by using their knowledge on coastal area features, processes and data available for their region
Objectives: Outcomes from the present project would have high impact on the activities of communities with different focuses, i.e. in land and in sea, therefore dissemination and communication actions are important to promote harmonization and standardization of the adopted approach, formats, conventions, etc. as well as to bring together these two communities and let them benefit from each other experience
Objectives: MARETEC-IST will coordinate the project activities and the timely delivery of the reports and products and keep fluent communication CMEMS to inform of the project progress. Project meetings will be hold every six months through videoconference. Deliverables of the activity include quarterly progress reports, a mid-term report and a final report
The Lambda Data Portal provides a web interface that allow users to view, query and download river data and metadata and related products, providing access to data that has been harmonised into interoperable formats (OGC standards).
The portal will be constantly updated during the project with new services and product.
For more information on the LAMBDA Project please contact: